Borusan - Parça Pazarı

Deliverables: Ux in Product, Ui Design

See it live at: work in progress

⟐ What is?

Parça Pazarı is a venture belonging to Borusan Holding that provides spare parts services to automotive tradesmen and industrial establishments.

⟗ Problem

Although Parça Pazarı is essentially an e-commerce system, it is far from today's e-commerce experience and has a visually weak structure. Its inability to operate device-independently and only being usable on desktop computers creates a difficult experience for the target audience of automotive tradesmen and craftsmen.

𝝮 Solution

I have completely reworked the entire "Parça Pazarı" experience from scratch with a first mobile vision, first creating a new mobile application and mobile site with a similar language across all platforms. From the beginning of the project, I rebuilt the user experience according to Peter Morville's "The 7 Factors that Influence User Experience" study to improve the in-app user experience while maintaining the existing dynamics of "Parça Pazarı".

⧩ Style Guide

⫔ Final Print

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